A Day in the Life: Immersed in the Culture of New Standard Grand Haven

Imagining yourself at a bustling corporate workplace in Grand Haven? At our company, it’s less corporate and more community. Meet New Standard Grand Haven, a workplace where every day brings about a fresh opportunity, sprinkled with tech innovation, teamwork, and a strong community spirit.

Morning Hustle at New Standard

Day starts at our dynamic office as early as 8 AM. A cup of fresh-brewed coffee and a spectacular view of the bustling city from our lounge areas set the tone for our day. Morning meetings are vibrant, with teams brainstorming and innovating at every corner. We take pride in our open communication culture, which promotes not only creativity but also strengthens our bond as a team.

Our lunch hours are full of laughter and relaxation, as we enjoy meals brought from home, or ordered from a variety of dining options in Grand Haven, our beautiful city. Sometimes, we even organize potluck lunches, where everyone gets a taste of different cultures.

Afternoon Drive and Evening Wind-Down

Our afternoons are generally more focused and productive. Teams dive right in designing and implementing smart solutions for a multitude of industries. Fun fact: our services are not limited to a specific sector, making every project a unique, engaging challenge.

As dusk sets in, our Grand Haven office transforms into a hub of networking. Chatting over coffee, everyone loves sharing their accomplishments of the day. We believe in celebrating small wins that lead a long way. Some evenings, we have team-bonding activities, including a chance to explore Grand Haven’s scenic spots as well.

New Standard, New Experiences

Ending the workday at New Standard Grand Haven is never about clocking out – it’s about looking back at the achievements of the day, the problems we solved, and the value we added. By integrating advanced technologies, team collaboration, and fun, every day makes us a stronger team, pushing the boundaries of what’s possible.

We are perfecting a new standard every day, come and be a part of our journey.